Improvements in the ways to get your data out of AiiDA#

Dear users, as the saying goes “Data is the Gold of the 21st Century”, in today’s blog post, we would like to showcase improvements in how you can get your data out of AiiDA’s internal storage. We hope that these new features will enrich not only you, but also the science you conduct.

Dumping process data to disk#

From AiiDA’s internal storage to classical directory trees

As you might be aware, AiiDA uses an SQL database, as well as an internal file repository [1] to store your data locally [2]. Both are optimized towards high performance and therefore constructed to be machine-readable rather than human-readable. Hence, the difference between AiiDA’s internal data storage and the typical file-system approach (that most of us are familiar with) can make it cumbersome to get your data out of AiiDA onto your file system in an easily understandable form.

Therefore, you, the user, are effectively forced to use the verdi CLI interface or AiiDA’s Python API (e.g. the QueryBuilder class) to access your data, making the transition towards AiiDA more challenging. To ease this transition, we have added functionality to dump AiiDA Process data to disk in an intuitive directory structure via:

verdi process dump <pk>

The following video shows the result of running the command for a PwCalculation that was used to execute the pw.x executable of Quantum ESPRESSO:

PwCalculation dump

And for a more complex PwBandsWorkChain (which actually contains the previously shown PwCalculation as one of its steps):

PwBandsWorkChain dump

As you can see, the command works both for individual calculations and for nested workflows, resulting in the following output directories [3].

tree on a dumped example CalcJob:

├── inputs
│  ├──
│  └──
├── outputs
│  ├── _scheduler-stderr.txt
│  ├── _scheduler-stdout.txt
│  ├── aiida.out
│  └── data-file-schema.xml
└── node_inputs
   └── pseudos
      └── Si
         └── Si.pbesol-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF

tree -d on a dumped example WorkChain:

├── 01-relax-PwRelaxWorkChain
│  ├── 01-iteration_01-PwBaseWorkChain
│    ├── 01-create_kpoints_from_distance
│      └── inputs
│    └── 02-iteration_01-PwCalculation
│       ├── inputs
│       ├── node_inputs
│         └── pseudos
│            └── Si
│       └── outputs
│  └── 02-iteration_02-PwBaseWorkChain
│     ├── 01-create_kpoints_from_distance
│       └── inputs
│     └── 02-iteration_01-PwCalculation
│        ├── inputs
│        ├── node_inputs
│          └── pseudos
│             └── Si
│        └── outputs
├── 02-seekpath-seekpath_structure_analysis
│  └── inputs
├── 03-scf-PwBaseWorkChain
│  ├── ...

Therefore, after running the command once, you’ll have all data involved in the execution of your workflow directly accessible as a standard folder [4]. This allows you to explore it with your favorite file explorer or command-line tool.

Happy grepping!

New QueryBuilder Syntax#

SQL queries, but intuitive!

In addition to accessing raw files as outlined above, AiiDA’s powerful SQL database allows querying for stored nodes, which can be achieved with the QueryBuilder class (as documented here). While using the QueryBuilder is (at least for most of us) easier than writing raw SQL queries, its syntax typically requires some familiarization [5].

Recent improvements have therefore enabled an alternative, more intuitive way to construct queries. Let us explain with the following example: Assume you wanted to obtain all integers with values in a range between 1 and 10 (both excluded) from a Group called “integers”, and return their respective PKs and values. To achieve this, you’d have to construct the following, rather convoluted query:

from aiida import orm

qb = orm.QueryBuilder()
        "label": "integers",
        "and": [
            {"attributes.value": {">": 1}},
            {"attributes.value": {"<": 10}},
    project=["pk", "attributes.value"],

In the code snippet above, we first import AiiDA’s object-relational mapping (orm) module, and then instantiate the QueryBuilder class. The query is then gradually built up by adding the desired specifications using the append method. Here, we first apply filtering for groups that are labelled “integers” and tag this filter as “group” so that we can link it with the second append. In this second call of the method, we only filter for integers of AiiDA’s integer data type (orm.Int) that are part of our previously defined group via with_group="group". We then apply the filter that the values of the integers should be in our desired range between 1 and 10, and, lastly, using project=["pk", "attributes.value"], we only return the primary keys and actual values of the AiiDA orm.Int nodes we obtain from our query (rather than, say, the entire AiiDA Node instance).

Instead, the new QueryBuilder syntax allows accessing attributes of AiiDA nodes via the new fields specifier, with which the filtering logic can be applied to them directly:

from aiida import orm

qb = orm.QueryBuilder()
    filters=orm.Group.fields.label == "integers",
    filters=(orm.Int.fields.value > 1) & (orm.Int.fields.value < 10),
    project=[, orm.Int.fields.value],

Hence, for example the filter on the values of the integer nodes reduces from:

    "and": [
        {"attributes.value": {">": 1}},
        {"attributes.value": {"<": 10}},

to the more concise:

filters=(orm.Int.fields.value > 1) & (orm.Int.fields.value < 10),

in which the "and" condition can be expressed via the ampersand (&) and directly be applied on the relevant entities. Furthermore, accessing through the .fields attribute, e.g. in the updated project specifier:

project=[, orm.Int.fields.value]

albeit being slightly more verbose, is less prone to errors than access via string identifiers in the previous version:

project=["pk", "attributes.value"]

as it allows for autocompletion.

Any feedback on the new QueryBuilder syntax welcome!

Relevant PRs#

For the more tech-savvy among us, here are the relevant PRs of the changes outlined in this blog post:

  • [#6276] Add CLI command to dump inputs/outputs of CalcJob/WorkChain

  • [#6245] ✨ NEW: Add orm.Entity.fields interface for QueryBuilder (cont.) [and linked PRs]
