Posts tagged positions
1 post-doc positions at PSI (Switzerland) on high-throughput materials discovery
- 20 November 2023
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One new post-doc opportunity is open in the Materials Software and Data Group led by Dr. Giovanni Pizzi, part of the Laboratory for Materials Simulations, at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland.
2 post-doc/software engineer positions on AiiDA at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI (Switzerland)
- 01 July 2023
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Two new post-doc opportunities (post-doc/software engineers) are open in the Materials Software and Data Group, part of the Laboratory for Materials Simulations, in the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland.
Open positions: BIG-MAP and MARVEL Postdocs/Software Engineers
- 17 February 2022
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Two open positions for postdocs/software engineers are available at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), under the supervision of Prof. Nicola Marzari and Dr. Giovanni Pizzi. The positions are renewable yearly up to 4 years.
Job opening: Materials Cloud Software Engineer/Web developer (EPFL)
- 05 October 2021
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An open position for a software engineer/web developer is available at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), under the supervision of Prof. Nicola Marzari and Dr. Giovanni Pizzi. The position is renewable yearly up to 4 years.
New positions in the THEOS group, EPFL
- 18 May 2021
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There are three new openings at EPFL in the group of Prof. Marzari for a data architect/software scientist and two post-doctoral/PhD on first-principles operando spectroscopies. These positions are renewable yearly up to 4 years.
Two 4-year postdoctoral positions (Marzari@EPFL)
- 26 October 2020
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There are two positions for computational materials scientist/software scientists immediately available in our laboratory for Theory and Simulation of Materials at EPFL. The two positions, for up to 4 years each, are dedicated to data analytics, data integration, and simulation/machine-learning workflows, and are supported by the new H2020 projects DOME4.0 and OpenModel.
Two doctoral/postdoctoral positions in 1) high-throughput materials discovery, 2) HPC/HTC/HPDA software engineering
- 25 October 2019
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Two doctoral/postdoctoral positions are available in the Laboratory for Theory and Simulation of Materials ( at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni Pizzi and Prof. Nicola Marzari.
One post-doctoral position open at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 05 April 2019
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An outstanding candidate is sought with a background in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, or materials science/engineering) alongside strong programming skills and organisational skills, and excellent work ethics.
Three open positions (THEOS, EPFL, Switzerland) in computational materials research software engineering
- 11 January 2019
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Three positionsfor research software engineers/computational materials scientists are available in the group of Prof. Nicola Marzari at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni Pizzi.
Two open positions available for computational materials scientist/software scientists on data and services
- 03 July 2018
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Open position in the AiiDA team in collaboration with ChemAlive
- 03 November 2017
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An open position for a software engineer/data scientist is available at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) in the group of Prof. Nicola Marzari and in synergy with the MARVEL NCCR ( The position is funded through a partnership with ChemAlive (, a company hosted at EPFL Innovation Park, and the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation, through a project grant.
Open position for a software engineer/web developer - MARVEL, EPFL, Switzerland
- 28 April 2017
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An open position for a software engineer/web developer is available at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) in the MARVEL NCCR ( Excellent candidates are sought with experience in the development of complex web architectures powered by cloud technologies, to support the development and deployment of the Materials Cloud (, a web portal for computational materials science powered by AiiDA.
Postdoc opening - integration of AiiDA with the nanoporous genome library
- 10 December 2016
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An open postdoc position is available at EPFL (Sion and Lausanne, Switzerland) in the MARVEL NCCR (
Opening: MaX software scientist/engineer position in the AiiDA team @ EPFL (group of Prof. N. Marzari)
- 27 June 2016
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(A PDF version of this advertisement can be found on